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Well, well, well, it seems like "someone's" coming into the campaign industry. I've been noticing, whenever I watch Cartoon Network, when a promo comes on, at the end, it has Bloo from Foster's... says "Cartoon Network." After that a banner under the CN logo shows up. After Bloo says "Cartoon Network," you hear Fred Fredburger(?) from Billy & Mandy say "Yes" in his usual annoying voice. I read someone say that on Boomerang they play long promos and they use that same "yes" with them. This might be a summer slogan. It probably might be used when the summer is over. If anyone wants any proof they can see here:[dead link] .

Do you notice how Disney Channel and Nick don't use slogans anymore? Now look at CN with "Yes." Minus the voice of Fred Fredburger, it seems like one heck of a slogan, even though it's not much. There can be a lot worse things than that. But I ask, what are we saying "yes" to? "Good" shows? We'll never know.


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