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Showing posts from May, 2005

Hey Danny Phantom fans, guess what!

I'm sorry for the lack of updates these past few days. My computer keeps acting up and i've been busy with stuff. Well, anyway, in the Butch Hartman forum, Butch says that Nickelodeon has renewed Danny Phantom for a 3rd season. Spread the word, everyone!!! And there are also new episodes coming this June. I can't wait. I hope they don't stink because i've been liking the show since it came out on April 3, 2004. If I like one, i'll review it when I get the chance. Let's now come back to the subject of updating. I'll probably do more post this summer if there's things to be discussed. I hope you all have a great summer and enjoy the new "Danny Phantom"s. like I said, I'll put up a review once i've seen one. VMM, signing off!

"Mac Daddy" review

This one seemed to crack me up a little. Did you know the original name for this ep. was called "Bye-Bye, Nerdy?" I'm glad they changed the name. It fits the story plot better. Did you notice any puns in there (ie: Mac and Cheese, "Bloo Cheese," I made this one up, Mac and Cheese with "Bloo" food coloring. There was also "Cheese, Louise" (Cheese's creator)). In my opinion, Cheese seemed a little idiotic. What do you think? "I like chocolate milk." This is pretty much all I can say for now. I'm wondering what other people thought of this one. This one gets 4 stars. I feel as if this ep. doesn't deserve that last star. No offense, people who like this one. P.S. I'm gonna watch this one again tonight.