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Showing posts from September, 2005

Terrible, terrible news

I was searching forum when I came across this topic that said something about Nick Animation in Burbank, California CLOSING DOWN!!! That's right, closing down according to . For thoes, who work there, I hope they find animation studios that are just as good as NA (like, for instance, in their own basements. Most cartoonist I know work in their basements.) All the worrying about this might cause some of my favorite cartoons to "Junp the shark." I probably said this once, though I'll say it again (slightly different), I wonder how the people who work (or worked there) feel about finding places to draw, write, and tape their shows to send to the Nickelodeon for us good watchers. The building came in business somewhere in 1998. The animation studio had to die young, didn't it? Well, I'm not sure if it's true or not because I only saw the article in one place. Probably Butch (Hartman) said something in his forum a

Should Nick get rid of "My Dad the Rockstar?"

On this day in the year 2003 in Canada on Teletoon at a unknown time, MDTRS debuted for the 1st episode as Welcome to Silent Springs which, when debuted on Nick 1 year and 5 months later, was the same one. But that's not why I doing this post. One thing I want to talk about is when will Nickelodeon get rid of MDTRS ? I'm just asking. Also, from watching each episode (excluding the Christmas one) 4-6 times, they all started to get stale. If they really did get rid of it, what will I miss of it? Well, The characters were fun to look at (i.e. Willy, Rock, Skunk, Alyssa Quincy). And I think that's about it. And, of course, there's the DVD that's coming out on the 20th. If it's rentable, I'll rent it when I really miss it. One ep. I haven't seen yet was, like I said, was the Christmas one (I forgot the actual title). Maybe Nick'll keep the show till the end of 2005, that way they can show the Christmas one (I hope they show it. My goal was to watch every