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Showing posts from November, 2004

Teenage Robot Christmas

It has been determined that the "My Life as a Teenage Robot" Christmas special will be called "A Robot for all Seasons." Well, that's what tells me. The editor told me that "Yahoo Tv" was the name given. Oh, I just can't wait till December 8th that I feel like suing Nick for the rotten thing they did. They left me 9 months, Jenny-less. Hopefully, they won't delay this one, also, like what they've been doing lately. I also hope that its a good one, too, like all the other ones. For the new season, we just have to wait, because Nick just wants us to keep on gussing. For all I know, it's coming out in 2005. When it's one season after an another, it shouldn't be this far apart. Hopefully Nick will never do that in the future. And I hope we can survive through these days and like what we watch. Go Jenny Go!

A "Hi Hi Puffy" review

Tonight, Cartoon Network played a brand new eppie of the new series "Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi." Now, where to begin? Let me start with the first part. It was when Ami joined the circus to earn money to throw a "Band-iversary" party for Yumi and Kaz. I grew out of circuses a long time ago; let me tell you. But I liked to see Yumi in her jammies. Then There's the 2nd part. Ami and Yumi try to make money to pay the rent so Kaz could let them in to their tour bus, again. They make money by working at a candy factory. When one of the machines malfunctioned, Kaz decided to let them in again without making them pay a rent. Then the third part was when Ami and Yumi decide to enter a dance contest on tv (as to singing contest, "American Idol"). They entered so that can own scooters. They won and entered, but instead, they got bobble heads of the host of the show. It was a rip-off for Yumi. Overall, I give this one 4 stars. I bet you this took a lot of work of t

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, GO!

On Friday, my team and I accepted this new Cartoon Network show called "Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi." To me, it was very good. It's about these 2 girls named Ami and Yumi and they play in a rock band together. This series was created by this guy named Sam Register. I do not know who he is. If you actually have a clue to who he is, you know the score (e-mail me)! Today at school, we had our Thanksgiving party. During it, this boy started this conversation about this very show above. They were talking about the one called "Dis- 'I'm your biggest fan!' Harmony" (for fans, you know what I'm talking about). And this other one called "Ole!" It's about bull fighting. And thats all I can think about. I think there were more, but I cannot remember. I know it's been a while since i've posted a review (hence the site's name "Vic's Review"), but I will try to eventually. And for you new fans out there, l

New MLAATR coming December 8!

That's right! The "My Life as a Teenage Robot Christmas Special" will finally primere December 8, 2004. Since February of this year, we have been Jenny-less. I was getting tired of seeing all thoes repeats. I know Brad is sexy, I know Tuck so hyper-active, and I now already know Jenny has super powers. It's about stinkin' time! I've been waiting all year for this. And did you know that day is the creator, Rob Renzetti's, wife's birthday. Nick's finally giving what's ours. They better not scare us again with that dumb ol' practice. So set up your VCR's and get ready for it. I hope it's good. If it's not, I'll start an angry mob in front of Nick Studios and chant "what's wrong with Jenny," or "me: 'what do want? People: Better MLAATR's! me: when do we want it? People: NOW!' " So, Whoes with me? I've gotta go, now. Bye, bye, everyone, and enjoy your "Jenny!"

iMucha Lucha!, iMucha Lucha!, It's a way of life!

Today at school, I was about to go to band when I heard someone talk about The Flea (One of the characters). The person who said it wasn't sure which show it came from. Then they started to talk about "iMucha Lucha!" So I dashed out as fast as I can and before you know it, I was at band. That was so I could not hear more about it. We would play so loud that we cannot hear them in the other room. It was a time of a lifetime. Once again, I will not forget about it. Speaking of "iMucha Lucha!," my friend Brad and I were doing the dance to the theme song my cousin and I made up, and I accidently kicked him in the butt. I even told my Talking Teacher about it. It was so funny. A minute I kicked him in the butt, he said "You and I are 2 'iMucha Lucha!' fans on the go." And there's also gonna be a "iMucha Lucha!" marathon on "Cartoon Network" on Friday. Keep an eye out for that. He also made up this equasion; Cartoon Network+F

Did you know...

that if you do not want to say the long name of "Cartoon Network's" cartoon "Foster's home for Imaginary Friends (Why heck, I'm getting tired of saying that long name, also), you can always shorten it out? You can say "Foster's" or "FHFIF" (abbreivate it). Whatever your comfortable with works as long as the persons' you're talking to understand you. I'm more comfortable with "Foster's" myself. And some bad news for "Powerpuff Girls" fans Have you heard that your favorite show went out of production? I don't know when it they said it left, but it lived a good 6 seasons since November 1998. I'm really sorry you had to hear that. Like I said on the "Mucha Lucha" post, we can always find another grand cartoon like that in the future. But the good news if that Craig McCracken (creator of ppg) is still working on "Foster's" (another thing h