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Showing posts from December, 2004

Merry Christmas to all!

Yes, I'm still here and i'm here to stay. I want to wish everyone reading this to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I doubt that I'm not going to do anymore news or reviews till 2005. This will probably be my last one for 2004. Hope you all have a Happy Hollidays. I hope we have more fun next year like we did last year. Have a Happy Hollidays and be safe. VMM, signing off for the year 2004. OFF TO 2005 WE GO!

Mother of Wallace!

Another Friday afternoon! Just what I've been waiting for since the start of this year. At school, we went caroling at 2 banks and we had our party. Nothing much to say now. I bet you tonight will be like every other Friday nights i've had in the past. New "Puffy AmiYumi, a rerun of "Foster's" "Dinner is Swerved," maybe some "Danny Phantom," or "Teenage Robot." Some of them are at good times and good places and I can only get them in one place. All I can do till them is kick back, relax, and enjoy my Christmas vacation. "Why did I put this on the blog?" you may ask. Oh, I just felt like it. Just something to keep me busy before my "Cartoons" come on. If I see a good one, I'll tell you. What a day this has been; and I hope I never leave it!

Bring out the "Foster's" and bring out the best!

GOOD NEWS! This is old news, but I just found out about it. Cartoon Network ordered 26 more eppies of "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends." It already ordered 26 before. The 52 eppies will make the 3rd and 4th season. So that means they already ordered the 4th season. I hope, someday, it gets a 5th season. So, so far, I guess the contract will go on till 2008. Since I don't stay with cartoons so long, I have a feeling I won't be there to see the end. Don't believe me, but here's what I predict: Foster's will might close down and Madam Foster dies of old age. I wish Craig McCraken (the creator) well these next few years. And remember: never cease being fans of "Foster's" and pray for that 5th season!

A "MLAATR" review

(As written on 12-10) 2 nights ago, Nickelodeon finally aired the "My Life as a Teenage Robot" Christmas-"A Robot for all Seasons." When I read a summary on, I thought this one was gonna "lay an egg;" but I was wrong. It really kicked butt! Mrs. Wakeman, Brad, and Tuck were there; but I never thought Sheldon belonged there. I think it was for the best because in this one, he and Jenny finally kissed. It wasn't just any kiss, it was under the mistletoe. It was a mixture of "The Night before Christmas" and "The Grinch who Stole Christmas." This one is one of my favorite Christmas specials of 2004. I guess this one should get 5 stars. I especially liked the song. Very, very well done.

An early Christmas present

Well, tonight's the night we finally get to see the "My Life as a Teenage Robot" Christmas Special, "A Robot for all seasons." It has been 10 months since we've got a new episode. So set up your VCR's and DVD recorders. We will probably find out Brad and Tuck's last name. I'm guessing it's Carbunkle. It's the new world of Jenny; so don't miss it. According to the "Teenage Roblog," they said in 2005 that there will, one night, be 5 new eppies in a row! Let's just hope that will happen. You know how Nick is. Hopefully, they won't overstuff us too much. I will try to have a review up by the end of this week. Enjoy!

Have an "Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy" Christmas

(As written on Friday, December 3, 2004). Even though an ex-fan, I thought this one was pretty good. You know how some kids hate waiting for presents? Well, Eddy was one of those kids. He found the presents in the attic under a floorboard. When he found them, all he got was clothes. Clothes he didn't like. So he put himself up for adoption. He figured if no one in his family would give him a decent present, he wondered if some of of the cul-de-sac kids would give him one. One of the best parts was the opening. I liked how they did the opening credits. And, of course, the Kanker sisters were being their own kissy, girly selves. And, also, of course, Eddy was being his obnoxious self. Well, duh! All the characters were themselves. This was another thing Cartoon Network aired "tonight." This one get's 3 stars. It deserves that raiting for a, like I said, ex-fan. Still pretty good!