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Showing posts from March, 2006

That's new!/Family Guy Lookout

If you watched the Simpsons tonight on FOX and has seen the opening, you may have noticed that it was live-actioned. That's right, that was the brand new opening to the the Simpsons and I betcha it's here to stay. I think it was taped in England. I can tell because 1) The first or second thing you see it the school. It looks like the schools they have in Great Britain. 2) Because of the way the real Simpsons are styled, they look like a typical English family. And 3) If you look closely that part when real Marge and real Maggie were driving, in America the steering wheel is on the left side, that steering is on the right side, the way most countires have their cars. Oh, and I forgot, 4) When they're in the driveway, those DO NOT look like American license plates. They look sort of British. And those are the reasons why I think the opening was taped in England. If you haven't seen it yet, see it in the next new episode, I'm not sure when. If you have, what's your

CBS & WB merging

This is old news but I have to let you know. This is one of the articles I have found during my quest over the i-net: .This fall, CBS will merge with WB to develop the CW. The "C" stands for CBS while the "W" stands for Warner. UPN will go off the air as well. But CW will show most of the shows that are hits of UPN. Now I have a question, is there gonna be a kid's block on CW? What will it have on it? What I suggest CW does is to leave off where they left off on the cartoon shows. That way all those kids that don't know what's happening can be consoled by their classic laughs. Well there has to be. Probably CW will have to follow the E/I rules that the other broadcast networks have to follow. They don't like following that rule but they are forced to do it. They do it for all those kids who don't have cable. I betcha most of you are thinking to yourselves that this was a lame post. Yes i